Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Time Is Right to Hire a Tab Tutor

The Time Is Right to Hire a Tab TutorIn fact, a good time to hire a tab tutor can be right now. Don't think that everyone in the world has the desire or the ability to learn guitar, guitar tabs are all over the place. Some have been found on the Internet and some in high-end music shops.It's the smart consumer who would take the time to research before buying. Hiring a tab tutor for a guitar course is an investment. One you will want to make. Just as you would invest in a car.If you take a look at the cost of taking a class on guitar, learning guitar tabs is very much like learning to ride a bike. It can be very cheap and easy to get started with it but it does require a certain level of commitment. Without that commitment, it will not last.A good tutor will be willing to work with you so that you do not feel too pressured or confused about the lessons. He or she will also show you how to perform the moves correctly every single time so that you will not make mistakes. Also, a good l esson will help you learn the chord changing patterns that are a necessity to play any of the popular tunes.Learning guitar tabs should never be a drag. If you are having a hard time finding lessons, make sure that you ask around to your friends and family, they will probably be able to point you in the right direction. They may even be able to recommend a good tab tutor.Most of the time, the perfect learning experience is going to be found right at home with your own guitar. Trying to learn guitar tabs on the computer can be frustrating and time consuming. This is where your laptop, your guitar and the tab tutor can come together to help you learn fast and efficiently.In the end, a student's needs should always be his or her main priority. A good time to hire a tab tutor would be now. Don't wait until it is too late.Start learning guitar lessons right away, you'll thank yourself later! To find a guitar tutor, type in the keyword 'tab' in Google and you will find all sorts of tab bo oks, tabs and courses right at your fingertips. Simply check the Google for advice on where to find the best teachers and learn online.

Friday, March 6, 2020

This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills

This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills Zoha, 11-years-old, Level H Math, Level J Reading Before even entering middle school, 11-year-old Zoha is already analyzing pieces of literature, such as Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. While she’s well on her way to completing the Kumon Reading Program, she’s also studying above grade level in math as she’s working on Algebra I concepts in the Kumon Math Program. Having been enrolled in Kumon since the age of four, Zoha has had many valuable takeaways that have made a lasting positive impact on her academic success. Zoha credits Kumon for helping her learn new concepts in and out of the classroom, including learning to play guitar and piano. “Kumon has helped me improve my time management and organization,” said Zoha. “I can figure out how to do particular things, such as learn an instrument in the most efficient way.” Zoha loves a good challenge and has taken her academic skills to the competitive level. In 2016, Zoha competed in Math Kangaroo and placed 2nd in the state of Tennessee, and 16th in the United States. Math Kangaroo prides themselves on developing the math ability of young students across the nation and giving them the confidence to do so. She is also proud to say she placed third at the individual and team level in the Perennial Math Competition. Perennial Math inspires and challenges advanced math students in a fun competition. Outside of the classroom, Zoha loves reading, writing poetry, cats, gymnastics, and playing guitar or piano. Zoha’s future aspirations include becoming an oncologist for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, the leading hospital in the treatment and research of childhood cancer. Zoha’s accomplishments were recognized as she was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Zoha about her Kumon journey thus far. How has Kumon helped you academically? Kumon has helped me because I have learned concepts in both math and reading before I was taught them in school. This has allowed me to apply what I learned in Kumon and understand it more easily. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? I enjoy reading the books from Kumon. I think they are very interesting books to read in my spare time. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Worthwhile. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon? I think the most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon has been fractions. Kumon explained fractions in a way that I can easily understand. Fractions were once my enemy, now they are one of my friends. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? It meant a lot to attend the Student Conference. I was really honored that out of all the students that applied, I was one of the students that was selected. I was happy that I got to meet so many people who are just like me. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? Time management is critical in achieving goals such as J by 6. You will need to be dedicated in finishing your work in the amount of time, with accuracy and independence. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: SUCCESS IN KUMON INSPIRED THIS YOUNG STUDENT TO EXCEL IN THE POOL Wanting To Make A Difference In The World, This Young Student Has Her Sights Set On Politics Discover How This Young Student Has Gained Independence in Math This Young Kumon Student Learned To Love New Challenges in Math This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills This Young Student Gets Competitive With Her Math Skills Zoha, 11-years-old, Level H Math, Level J Reading Before even entering middle school, 11-year-old Zoha is already analyzing pieces of literature, such as Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. While she’s well on her way to completing the Kumon Reading Program, she’s also studying above grade level in math as she’s working on Algebra I concepts in the Kumon Math Program. Having been enrolled in Kumon since the age of four, Zoha has had many valuable takeaways that have made a lasting positive impact on her academic success. Zoha credits Kumon for helping her learn new concepts in and out of the classroom, including learning to play guitar and piano. “Kumon has helped me improve my time management and organization,” said Zoha. “I can figure out how to do particular things, such as learn an instrument in the most efficient way.” Zoha loves a good challenge and has taken her academic skills to the competitive level. In 2016, Zoha competed in Math Kangaroo and placed 2nd in the state of Tennessee, and 16th in the United States. Math Kangaroo prides themselves on developing the math ability of young students across the nation and giving them the confidence to do so. She is also proud to say she placed third at the individual and team level in the Perennial Math Competition. Perennial Math inspires and challenges advanced math students in a fun competition. Outside of the classroom, Zoha loves reading, writing poetry, cats, gymnastics, and playing guitar or piano. Zoha’s future aspirations include becoming an oncologist for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, the leading hospital in the treatment and research of childhood cancer. Zoha’s accomplishments were recognized as she was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Zoha about her Kumon journey thus far. How has Kumon helped you academically? Kumon has helped me because I have learned concepts in both math and reading before I was taught them in school. This has allowed me to apply what I learned in Kumon and understand it more easily. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? I enjoy reading the books from Kumon. I think they are very interesting books to read in my spare time. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Worthwhile. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learned in Kumon? I think the most beneficial thing I’ve learned in Kumon has been fractions. Kumon explained fractions in a way that I can easily understand. Fractions were once my enemy, now they are one of my friends. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? It meant a lot to attend the Student Conference. I was really honored that out of all the students that applied, I was one of the students that was selected. I was happy that I got to meet so many people who are just like me. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? Time management is critical in achieving goals such as J by 6. You will need to be dedicated in finishing your work in the amount of time, with accuracy and independence. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: SUCCESS IN KUMON INSPIRED THIS YOUNG STUDENT TO EXCEL IN THE POOL Wanting To Make A Difference In The World, This Young Student Has Her Sights Set On Politics Discover How This Young Student Has Gained Independence in Math This Young Kumon Student Learned To Love New Challenges in Math

Spiral-bound Success How to Organize a Foreign Language Notebook in 8 Simple Tips

Spiral-bound Success How to Organize a Foreign Language Notebook in 8 Simple Tips How to Organize a Foreign Language Notebook in 8 Simple Tips When you hear the notebook, what do you think of?Romance?Drama?A shirtless Ryan Gosling?Well, were here to forever change the meaning of the notebook. Thats because its time to start your own thats specifically for language learning.Sure, it might not have washboard abs, but it can still give you the feels.Language notebooks are your own personalized repository of all the most valuable knowledge you gain on your road to fluency.Language textbooks  are great, but theres nothing quite as individualized as your language notebook.So why not fall in love with the best notebook of all? Why Use a Foreign Language Notebook?One key reason to use a foreign language notebook is because writing things down makes them easier to remember. As PBSs NOVA Next reports, taking notes with pen and paper helps improve students conceptual understanding of the material they jotted down.For language learners, the benefit of using a foreign language notebook to aid memory are obvious. It could improve your retention of vocabulary words and help you better understand grammar rules. Thats a lot of awesome packed in one little notebook!Second, maintaining your own reference resource is often more useful than relying on outside materials. After all, its customized to you, so it should be easy for you to use. Plus, you can use your notebook down the road if you forget the language at some point.Additionally, using a foreign language notebook is a good way to track your  progress  and help keep you motivated. Nothings better than seeing how far youve come! That way, you never feel like youve reached a  language learning plateauâ€"you have evidence to prove youre moving forward!Setting goals is also helpful because it keeps you continue along at a good rate. One study out of Harvard indicates that goal setting can increase both motivation and achievement.  In your language notebook, you can set these goals so that youre always accountable to yourself.Finally, you can use your foreign languag e notebook to target specific errors you need to correct. Errors in language learning  can build over time if you let them. However, since a notebook is more personalized than other resources, you can use it to target these errors. For instance, if youre struggling with one particular verb conjugation, you can dedicate several pages to explaining it and listing conjugation charts.Resources to Help You Organize Your NotebookStarting a language notebook from scratch can be daunting. Luckily, there are some resources out there that can help.Weve found some specially-formatted notebooks available for purchase that can take some of the guesswork out of your layout. We also came across a couple of great videos of how some language learners created and organized their own personal notebooks.Our hope is that these will be an inspiration to you as you start your journey. Let them help you figure out what will and wont work for your own notebook.DEBON A5 Vocabulary NotebookIf you want to main tain a language notebook but dont have the artistic eye, you might try this notebook. Its organized with spaces for Todays Top 5 Words, Todays Top 5 Sentences and Grammar/Phrase/Usage Notes.This sort of notebook is terrific for more advanced students who study new vocabulary and phrases daily. Its a useful way to keep track of the new words and phrases you hope to add to your vocabulary.MochiThings Language Learning NotebookMochiThings provides another notebook option specifically for language learners. This notebook is formatted with unique line spacing meant to give you room for your target word/phrase, its pronunciation and its translation.This is useful for students of all levels who are looking to expand their vocabulary. Since you can easily note the pronunciation and translation of any word or phrase, it can be like your own personal dictionary/phrasebook.Language NotebooksThis YouTube video will give you some helpful tips on crafting your own language notebook. Perhaps more importantly, though, itll give you a guided tour of the YouTubers beautifully crafted language notebook.If youre looking to embark on creating your own notebook from scratch, this is a good option, particularly for visual learners. Theres no better inspiration to craft your own notebook!Abigails Language Notebook Collection 2017Abigails video offers a guided tour of a different layout of a language notebook. This YouTuber employs some topnotch color coding to compose word lists, so this is great if your primary goal is to learn more vocabulary.What layout works best is a matter of personal opinion, but this will certainly give you some ideas!How to Organize a Foreign Language Notebook in 8 Simple TipsNow its time to start considering your organization. Here are some simple tips to consider.1. Develop logical sectionsDeveloping logical sections is an important component of a successful notebook. This will make it easier for you to navigate and cut down on wasted time and space.Some p ossible sections you might want to include:goalsgrammarvocabulary (with example sentences)idioms/phrases you hearThese sections might vary based on your personal preferences, but theyre a good jumping off point. A goals section will help you remember what you want to work on and help keep you focused. Grammar pages will help you refer back to key rules.Vocabulary pages are a helpful way to learn new vocabulary or reinforce vocabulary you already learned. Having a section for words and phrases you hear is useful because you can jot down things you dont yet know and then look them up later. Then, you can work on learning these words and phrases.To determine what sections are best for you, take some time to brainstorm what things you need to work on, what reference materials you want handy and what would be fun to include (maybe a list of Spanish books, songs or podcasts you need to look into?).2. Dedicate enough space for each sectionLeaving enough space for each section will help ens ure you dont need to cram too much information into one page or (gasp!) have to start a new notebook from scratch.How much space you need depends on your organization. For instance, if you organize your vocabulary words thematically (i.e., medical vocabulary, business words), youll likely need a page or more for each major theme. If you want to include verb conjugation charts, these also take a lot of room.The trick is to consider your page layout ahead of time in order to estimate how much room youll need. You might even separate sections like grammar and vocabulary into separate notebooks to allow yourself more room to spread out.3. Use sticky tabsSticky tabs are any organization junkies best friend.Sticky tabs protrude from a page so you can easily label and find any section. You can put them at the top, the side or the bottom of the page depending on your design aesthetic. You can label them if you desire, or leave them blank.Using sticky tabs will make it easy to flip between s ections, which is important when you want to add information or refer back to a section. Sticky tabs can make your notebook infinitely more useful by shaving time off from having to thumb through pages.Plus, they look super professional and polished, so looking at them is pretty satisfying.4. Color codea lotColor coding is more than just prettyâ€"it can also communicate key information at just a glance.Whether you use colored pens, highlighters or a combination of both, color coding will make your notebook more visually appealing and easier to use. You can color code parts of speech or use different colors for words in your native language and target language.Abigails YouTube video  above is an excellent example of how to use color. She uses a wide variety of highlighter colors to differentiate between words and even indicate the meaning of color names.Regardless of what scheme you choose to use, you might want to jot down your color coding key early in your journal to refer back to until you get the hang of it.5. Make your notebook visually appealingThe more visually appealing your notebook is, the more fun itll be to use.Dont be afraid to use drawings to represent word meanings. As you draw, think about the word to help reinforce it. Not only will this make your notebook more interesting to look at, it can also help you associate the word with its actual meaning rather than the English translation.The Language Notebooks video above is a great example of adding visual appeal. The formatting of pages varies a great deal to increase the aesthetic, and varied typography choices keep it interesting.6. Include details that will help youWhat information is important to include in a language notebook varies by learner, so you should consider what details will help you most.For instance, you might include examples of how to use grammar rules or vocabulary, you might note the part of speech for vocabulary words or you might include pronunciation hints.Remember: this n otebook is yours and yours alone, so always do whats best for you.7. Leave wide margins so that you can add informationYou never know when you might learn new information about a vocabulary word or new tricks to internalize a vocabulary rule. You might even find an example sentence you want to add to a definition of a word youre having a hard time remembering.Since theres no telling what might come up, its best to be prepared! Leaving wide margins will give you the extra space you need to add this information without having to start a new page from scratch.8. Do a test pageA test page may seem like an unnecessary step, but it can save you headaches down the road.Doing a test page will save you the trouble of redoing the journal or having to rip out the page if you realize your scheme doesnt work.Test pages work well when planning the main body of your notebook. Theyre particularly useful for very visual pages, like thematic vocabulary pages, especially if you intend to have several similarly formatted pages.To start, consider what you want on the page. For instance, you might be planning on including vocabulary words and drawings, or you might want verb conjugation charts.Try blocking off the space on the page that you would reserve for each component. Once youre done, look over it carefully. Does it work? What areas could be improved? Do you need to change the spacing? What colors might work better?Once you see the page youve imagined, it will be much easier to see what does and doesnt work before you commit to a language notebook full of similar pages.Even once your notebook is full, it still isnt over. Theres always another notebook to fill with fun language learning!And One More ThingNow that you have a beautifully organized new language-learning notebook, its time to start filling it! Start learning with FluentU and youll be packing away the knowledge in no time.FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news, inspiring talks and more.With FluentU, you hear languages in real-world contextsâ€"the way that native speakers actually use them.Just a quick look will give you an idea of the variety of FluentU videos on offer:FluentU really takes the grunt work out of learning languages, leaving you with nothing but engaging, effective and efficient learning. It’s already hand-picked the best videos for you and organized them by level and topic. All you have to do is choose any video that strikes your fancy to get started!Each word in the interactive captions comes with a definition, audio, image, example sentences and more.Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab.You can use FluentU’s unique adaptive quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions and exercises. Just swipe left or right to see more examples of the word youre studying.The program even keeps track of wha t you’re learning and tells you exactly when it’s time for review, giving you a 100% personalized experience.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes store  or  Google Play store.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Cambridge Mathematics Tutor

Cambridge Mathematics TutorIt's unlikely that you'll find yourself needing a Cambridge maths tutor, but it's always good to know how they are faring at their new job. There are plenty of people who may be surprised to find out that Cambridge offers no formal assessment scheme or syllabus. But why would this be the case?There are several reasons for this approach. Firstly, it is widely believed that such a system would make a positive impact on the work of Cambridge tutors as well as students. Another reason is that there are few formal assessments available in the traditional sense.When students have completed a Cambridge course, then it is often assumed that they have passed the course. This can be true in the broadest sense - students are judged on their ability to do their assigned work - but can also be misleading in the more specific sense, because most students don't complete the course's topics in the order that they were taught.Even though students may have worked through all the topics before an assessment session, they may not have studied them in the correct order. A good Cambridge tutor will be able to assess students on these areas by asking questions related to the topics that students choose to focus on at the end of the course.In contrast, many Cambridge courses include a test on examination days, with a variety of tasks available. Although the student must still be evaluated in terms of the topics they chose to study, they will have the option of highlighting sections of the paper to show the correct way to approach each section. In addition, students may choose to take more than one assessment at the end of the course.After these considerations have been made, the student's entire class will be asked to give an oral presentation to present a solution to a problem that the student and the other students in the class have encountered. From this pointon, the entire class will be evaluated for their performance.This sort of feedback from all of th e students is generally regarded as being the best kind of feedback possible for a Cambridge tutor, and it can only be expected to improve their quality of work. Many Cambridge tutors will be looking forward to presenting their work with even greater vigour in the next year.

Avoid Interference Using a Web Site

Avoid Interference Using a Web SiteInterference in the physical world is an unavoidable part of life and has been affecting people all over the world for a long time. Every day, we're encountering such situations in different forms. In this article, I will explain how interference in the physical world can be avoided.One of the first things that you should learn is that the web works through interference. The amount of your internet connection determines how much of the signals that are received by your computer are equal to those sent. If your connection is high-speed, you'll be able to receive a lot of interference.Internet has become very powerful and interactive and there's no doubt that it's become very important to us today. You've seen lots of websites using JavaScript for displaying pictures, videos, music and animation. The fact that they can do these tasks and more means that it makes your internet connection unstable. So, your connection would lose signal even when it hasn 't been interfered by any other network.We use the internet all the time to watch our favorite movies, watch TV series, download video, play games and listen to music through our home theatre systems. For all these tasks, you have to make sure that you have a good quality connection. Fortunately, many people have come up with innovative methods to help you avoid the loss of signal.Online games are becoming a big hit and it's all thanks to online multiplayer. The fact that online multiplayer is free and is available to everyone means that lots of people around the world can join these online games. When there are millions of players around the world playing the same game, the odds of the game being reliable and effective are also quite high.The Internet uses lots of information, which is transmitted through the internet. It doesn't matter how fast the connections are if you can't get a complete stream of information on the game you're playing. So, make sure that your internet connect ion is reliable and it won't interfere with other network. It will still help you enjoy the advantages of online multiplayer, but don't expect that the game will be as smooth as you'd want it to be.In conclusion, the power of the internet is tremendous and if you don't take advantage of it, you'll have a big problem. So, don't hesitate to take advantage of the power of the internet, get yourself connected and enjoy it.

Work at Home Tutoring Jobs

Work at Home Tutoring JobsA lot of people think that there is no work at home tutoring jobs available. This is simply not true. If you know where to look, you can find any of the following work at home tutoring jobs within your reach.* Free Tutoring - Free tutoring is available from private schools and even some online colleges. Usually they are paid for, but you can sign up with a paid online college in order to get the teaching online for free. The idea is to gain experience at school in the same way that you would if you were a teacher, so you will have a good foundation for a future job. Check out what has been offered in the area and whether they accept new students, or you can try your luck.* Private Tutors - As private tutors often specialise in a particular subject, it is worth looking into what they offer and whether you can get on to their list. If not, don't worry because you will probably be able to work as a tutor yourself once you are starting out. It is not likely that any job will come up without qualification, but you can search for jobs using the key words work at home tutoring jobs. Always look at what qualifications they require and whether you meet the requirements.* In Home tutors - Private tutors are the most common form of work at home tutoring jobs. These usually involve getting your own students to do what you want them to do in class and also to get feedback. Many times, you will also need to make a few adjustments and corrections and this is where it can become interesting for you. Some of the private tutors also have some sort of registration service, which will be a great help to you as you get started.* Virtual Tutors - There are also plenty of virtual tutoring jobs available. If you are good at taking notes and working quickly, then this could be an opportunity for you.* Online Course - There are also a number of online courses that offer work at home tutoring jobs. If you are good at doing a little bit of research, then this is probably your best bet as the tutors are usually based online.Work at home tutoring is definitely a great way to get paid to learn. These work at home tutoring jobs are really quite simple and are a great way to start a new career. So long as you know where to look, you should be able to find work at home tutoring jobs for you and your family very soon.

Volume of a Cone Equation Tutors

Volume of a Cone Equation Tutors A cone is a solid geometric figure consisting of a circular base and a vertex at its top. The circular base is connected to the vertex by forming a curved surface around the cone. The circular base consists of the radius and the line joining the center of the circle to the vertex is known as the height of the cone. The volume of a cone equation is given as one-third the product of the area of the base circle and the height of the cone. Example 1: What is the volume of the cone whose height is 10m and the radius of its circular base is 6m? Given: radius, r = 6m Height of the cone, h = 10m Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * r2 * h This gives: Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * 62 * 10 = 120 * = 377m3 Therefore, thevolume of the given cone is 377m3 Example 2: What is the volume of the cone whose height is 5m and the radius of its circular base is 9m? Given: radius, r = 9m Height of the cone, h = 5m Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * r2 * h This gives: Volume of the cone, V = 1/3 * * 92 * 5 = 135 * = 424.1m3 Therefore, thevolume of the given cone is 424.1m3

Advantages of Online Tutoring

Advantages of Online Tutoring 0SHARESShare There are several advantages of  online tutoring. It is one of the most advanced forms of learning that allows a person to begin the process of learning from his home or office. This form of tutoring has been able to reach out to the masses at a large scale using the World Wide Web. Most  online tutoring  services hire some of the best  online tutors  who wish to offer online coaching to students on various subjects. There is no limitation of subject or learning technique. Students from their elementary school days through high school and colleges can easily find their individualized help through these online forums. There are several companies that have come up with these unique methods and ideas through instant messaging, emails, virtual classrooms and video cam too. There are innumerable such services that caters to the needs of students seeking help in varied subjects. Most importantly, you can get qualified mentors and coaching experts, with respect to your chosen subject. This has made  online tutoring  an invaluable part of the current learning process. [starbox id=admin]

Online Pre-Calculus Tutoring

Online Pre-Calculus Tutoring Pre-Calculus Online Tutoring from Certified Online Tutors If you are studying a conic section but your mind keeps going off on a tangent, you may benefit from the help of an online Pre-Calculus tutor. Tutor Pace has tutors available right now to guide you through the intricacies of advanced mathematics. Available 24/7. Access to Tutors We know that you have a busy schedule. Sometimes you have to study early in the morning or late at night to be prepared for class. Tutor Pace has tutors available anytime, day or night, to help you with your Pre-Calculus homework or to get you ready for an upcoming test. No matter when you need help, our tutors are ready to help you get your work done and score well on your next exam. We Cover It All Our online tutors are experts in their fields. When you come to them needing Pre-Calculus help, you can be sure they will give you the insight you need to solve the problem. They are proficient in teaching: Rational functions Functions involving radicals Asymptotes Vectors Parametric equations Sequences, series, and probability Conic sections Our pre-calculus tutors will even give you a refresher on any Algebra I and II concepts you need to solve your Pre-Calculus problems. Tutor Pace gives you an academic value no other tutoring option can provide and is guaranteed to help you succeed.